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Calm Company Fund invests in expert insight platform Terkel

Calm Company Fund invests in Terkel

Written By:
Anisah Osman Britton
March 28, 2022



We're pleased to announce our recent investment in Terkel.

What is Terkel?

Terkel's vision is to democratize thought leadership. The platform is a marketplace that connects brands with expert insights. By posing a question to a community with a wide range of knowledge, brands receive high quality replies that can be converted into full length articles.

Who founded it?

Brett Farmiloe started the company to solve a pressing problem he was facing everyday at his SEO agency — how do you simplify digital PR for SMBs? And how do you do it profitably and sustainably?

Alignment with investors around mission and mindset was a priority for Farmiloe to realize his vision for Terkel: “Calm Company Fund not only aligns with my core pillar beliefs of running a company with profitability and sustainability at its core, but it has the resources and systems to support founders with those areas.” 

Prior to Terkel, Farmiloe’s experience was wide ranging — highlights include launching a charitable coffee company with actor Hugh Jackman and writing a book about taking RV journeys to interview people about their career paths. “I failed at a lot of things but have had some incredible experiences," he says of it all.

Why did we invest?

“Terkel is an awesome example of ‘scratch your own itch’,” says Calm Company Fund GP Tyler Tringas. “Brett built the first version of the product to help clients at his content marketing and SEO agency build their online presence. While running it as a side project, he discovered there was wide demand for the product and made the most of the opportunity. He rolled it out as a standalone platform to help small business owners like himself get featured in online articles.” This understanding of both sides of the market makes Terkel a very compelling story and company. 

How can you support Terkel?

If you’re looking for content for your blog, post a question here to receive expert insights. You can also sign up to the platform to share your insights. Our director of storytelling, Anisah Osman Britton, is excited to trial Terkel for Calm Company Fund content: “One of the great joys of our community is its wide range of expertise. However, it’s hard to be able to leverage that and I’m keen to see how using Terkel can support our efforts to surface some of those voices.”

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