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Calm Company Fund invests in Conversion Crimes to bring user testing to startups and small businesses

Written By:
Tyler Tringas
December 8, 2020



Meeting a founder with deep consulting experience that they are now pouring into a productized version is, well… the best.

Quinn Zeda built a world-class conversion rate optimization / UX consultancy at Zeda Labs helping clients generate millions in additional revenue. But she consistently found that one of the core tools in the toolkit, user testing platforms where you ask actual humans to test your product, simply wasn’t accessible for her startup and SMB clients. The few big platforms that offered user testing had focused their pricing and product almost entirely on serving massive enterprise clients, leaving a giant hole in the market that founders and CRO consultants were consistently running into.

So after a pilot test, Quinn went all in on Conversion Crimes to make real user testing accessible to startups and small-medium-sized businesses. While the product is technically an open platform to run user testing experiments, it is also infused with expert knowledge on how to run effective tests and offers a done-for-you variation where real conversion rate experts will help you design the best experiments possible.

If you’ve never run a user test before, it is truly an eye-opening experience. Check it out at ConversionCrimes.com

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