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Documentor, electronic visit verification (EVV) compliant service documentation solutions.

Calm Company Fund invests in Documentor EVV Software

Written By:
Tyler Tringas
December 8, 2020



One thing COVID-19 has made abundantly clear is that in-home healthcare and nursing is an essential part of our society. When a workforce is inherently distributed at the customer/patient’s home, usable mobile-friendly software is essential for managing a workforce and ensuring excellent patient care, but many of these firms are still operating on outdated software or pen-and-paper systems for planning and tracking visits.

Enter Documentor, electronic visit verification (EVV) software for home healthcare companies. The founders, William and Tyniqua Birdsong, had a background working on the other side of the table, ensuring home healthcare was high quality on behalf of state Medicare programs, and noticed that the home healthcare companies they dealt with had software that was consistently unsuited to modern needs.

So they set out to build the best EVV software on the market, initially for their home state of Indiana and now rolling out in multiple states across the country.

Check it out at yourdocumentor.com

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