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Mailbrew, personalized email digests from your favorite sources like Reddit, Twitter, Google News, and more.

Calm Company Fund invests in Mailbrew to reclaim your Inbox

Written By:
Tyler Tringas
December 3, 2020



Newsletter Overload. Reddit Rabbit Holes. Doomscrolling. The internet has never had more ways to suck up all your time and attention and we need to take back control over our information feeds.

Mailbrew lets you take control and curate all your favorite feeds—from Twitter accounts, to subreddits, ProductHunt, RSS, YouTube channels, and more—into one aggregated daily “brew” email delivered to your inbox on your schedule. Read through all the best stuff on the internet and then get back to living your life.

Eventually your daily brew becomes the hub of everything you want to read or watch, so the Mailbrew team is continually adding ways import content into your brew. Currently the offer a dedicated email inbox that you can use for all your newsletter subscriptions and a “read it later” feature to save anything on your content to-do list.

Although you may have seen one or two of these kinds of features in other apps, the daily brew structure is a great psychological approach to making all your feeds more finite and manageable, making time and space for you to get back to creating things. But when you can’t resist, there’s also a beautiful reader interface on the site/app to catch up on your newsletters and other sources.

Mailbrew gets even cooler when you start thinking in multiplayer terms. You can easily set up a subscribe form for other people to subscribe to your own custom brews. We used this feature at CCF to create a daily email, that anybody can subscribe to, of all the top tweets from everybody in the CCF community. We’re thrilled to back Fabrizio and Francesco. Check it out at Mailbrew.com

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